
Business plan based on the results of participation in Exhibition and Medical society

Business plan based on the results of participation in MEDICA, Korea Hospital Pharmacy Association Fall Conference in Germany, Osaka, Japan, and Arab Health in UAE, and the current status at home and abroad


Korea Pavilion at Arab Health in Dubai, UAE, January 29-February 1, 2024 Buyers from the Middle East, which is rapidly industrializing with oil money, and Southeast Asia, which is an emerging industrialized region such as India, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Vietnam with a billion people, were extremely busy during the four days of the exhibition due to the lifting of corona control for three years. The company attended with Anyfusion ACPi system and cylinder pump, and consulted with more than five times more buyers than the cylinder pump-centered exhibition.

Middle Eastern countries with high national incomes such as UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia have so far replaced the dispensing of anti-cancer drugs with low-wage laborers from India, the Philippines, and other countries, but the safe, cost-effective, cost-effective, cost-effective, and multi-functional ACPi equipment has shown promise as an alternative to laborers, and some countries have found it in rapid demand.

In Korea, the demand for ACPi system equipment is as high as at the Korean Hospital Pharmacy Association's Autumn Conference, but compared to the demand for rapid dispensing of anticancer drugs as well as PCA balloon filling, the burden of the cost of ACPi system kit set cartridges and CSTD insurance reimbursement and the lack of other hospital use references have prevented the company from deciding to introduce it at first, and it is under review and sales are expected when the reimbursement for CSTD is decided in the near future.

Although the company aimed for globalization with competitive independent innovations and quality such as EZ Regular, Anyfusion cylinder pump, and Anyfusion ACPi system, EZ Regular is a relatively low-cost analog, and Anyfusion cylinder pump is an innovative medical device that has dramatically improved safety and effectiveness, but it has not produced substantial business performance and results due to the process of overcoming the habitual use environment of existing pumps, and the lack of promotion and promotion for years due to the absence of corona and FDA certification after CE certification, and the limitations of overcoming the stuck marketing of giant companies.

Anyfusion ACPi CAM system with CSTD function from dispensing to infusion was developed and launched, but it was not successful because dispensing is a pharmacy infusion and infusion is a nursing department task, and pharmacies need to safely and quickly dispense many anticancer drugs in a short time, and nursing department infusion tasks are not suitable for the demand of infusion sets and pumps that can be easily and accurately infused without exposure to anticancer drugs (CSTD). As a result of introducing this equipment to Spain and Italy in June 2023, we developed the Quick ACPi system and introduced it to domestic and foreign countries, and found that there is a demand for a cylinder pump with a simple infusion set with CSTD function that includes MCSTD for infusion with the ACPi system in all countries.

The multifunctional Quick ACPi system has no analogues like EZ Regular, and the cylinder pump is not a product that has been used by habit and custom, and is an unmet need product that has a high need but has not met the market demand due to lack of technology. In the absence of competing products, it was identified that it can be quickly marketed with a product structure and price that is divided into HIS-linked automation for countries with high economic and medical standards and non-HIS-linked automation for emerging countries, and many countries requested CE, FDA, and PMDA certification and rapid certification, which will lead to simultaneous contracts and sales.

In June 2023, instead of ACPi CAM system, we developed multifunctional Quick ACPi system in Spain and Italy in September, and in November 2023, we introduced multifunctional Quick ACPi system in Germany MEDICA, Korea Hospital Pharmacy Association, Osaka, Japan in January 2024, UAE Arab Health exhibition, and in October-November, we introduced multifunctional Quick ACPi system directly in the Middle East and Europe.

In many countries where it is common to connect CSTDs to syringes for dispenser safety, existing CSTD supply companies that have identified the Quick ACPi system as safer and more effective as a syringe-free device are demanding to work with the Quick ACPi system.

With CE MDR, FDA, PMDA (Japan) certification, we immediately entered the developed market with a market size of more than 80% through contracts and sales in many European countries and Japan, and entered other global markets to establish ourselves as a core product in the dispensing field and expand the market to the infusion field.

* Representatives of Italian PCA balloon manufacturing and sales company G, which had suspended the contract due to reliability issues in October 2023, visited our booth and requested to renegotiate the ACPi system and cylinder pump with an explanation of the misunderstanding. We plan to proceed with the renegotiation according to the negotiations with the Italian company and CSTD company that newly visited us at the exhibition.

Thank you.

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