
Approval(KFDA) for manual anticancer drug preparation ACPi Anyfusion V100

One of the company's next flagship products, ACPi Anyfusion V100, an automated device for dispensing manual anticancer (injection), passed the examination by the Korea Medical Device Safety Information Service and completed the factory change and was approved on January 12, 2021.

We will be able to demo, verify, and supply in a number of hospitals as soon as possible after testing the performance and function of a kit set that has already been approved and a manual assembly machine that is manufactured on the 14th and 15th of 2021.

ACPi is the only technology that accurately prepares solution formulations as well as powder formulations with an accuracy of ±0%, and companies as well as hospitals have great expectations.

Two major hospitals in Seoul, three local hospitals, and one hospital in Japan have a manual ACPi advisory contract, and the information received from these hospitals is reflected in semi-automatic ACPi Anyfusion Pro and automatic AACPi Anyfusion Pro, improving the safety and convenience of formulators. We will foster it as an unrivaled technology product in the field of anticancer (injection) preparations.

The domestic sales department is expected to sell about 10 billion won for anticancer (injection) formulation purposes this year. If EZ Regular and pharmaceutical injection pumps are included, sales of around 15 billion won are expected. We will do our best to sell up to 20 billion won to overseas sales. With the largest sales and maximum profit in 2021, we intend to promote the public offering in 2022.

Based on domestic market performance From 2021 to 2022, we will maximize sales by entering the Japanese, European, and US markets through Japanese certification (PMDA), CE, and FDA certification, and increase our company's reputation and value. Based on the results of anticancer (injection) preparation, we will expand the market for ward preparation and PCA pumps with a smart system so that medical devices can become a representative axis in the bio field in the near future.

Thank you to all those involved who did their best for certification.

Next MFDS (KFDA) approval of Anyfusion blood transfusion pump (BTP) and Development of CAM
Prev New Year's Address in 2021